How do I add entries to my history timeline?

Please note, this guide only applies to websites that have a history timeline installed.

Your history timeline may look like this:

We can customise this timeline to your requirements (e.g. displaying months, headlines, etc).

To add an event to your timeline:

  1. Under the “Timeline Stories” menu, click on “Add New” (shown in green below).
  2. Add a title (depending on how your timeline has been setup, this may be for your internal reference only and this headline may not display publicly).
  3. Add a short description in the larger box underneath (shown in blue below). We do not recommend using any text formatting, as this may not display well on your timeline. Ideally, keep this wording fairly brief!
  4. Choose the date for this timeline entry by clicking on the “Edit” link (shown in red below) and selecting the day / month / year as applicable.
  5. Click “Publish”. Your entry should now be published on your website.

If you would like this timeline module installed on your website, please contact us!

in Website Editor / WordPress
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